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What is Content Marketing and Why Do You Need It?

Content marketing has been known to be one of the most effective approaches when it comes to guiding businesses toward success in today’s digital landscape. Small business owners and solo entrepreneurs, most of all, can take advantage of content marketing and grow their businesses. But first, what is content marketing? Find out what it means, why you need it in your digital marketing strategy, and how to get started!

What is content marketing?

Content marketing, simply put, is a marketing approach that involves creating and sharing online content (such as blogs, case studies, social media posts, and videos) to promote a brand, garner interest, and drive action from the audience.

Content marketing is a significant part of digital marketing and is utilized by a lot of marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and other professionals. This marketing strategy is used to attract, engage, convert, and retain audiences. With every relevant and valuable piece of content, you have the chance to connect with your audience and form strong bonds with customers.

Content marketing, like overall digital marketing, encompasses a lot of elements and processes. This includes calendar and strategy, content creation, audience research, platforms and distributions, repurposing, analytics, and more. It takes a lot of time and effort, but the results will bring tremendous value to businesses.

Why is content marketing important?

Content marketing plays a crucial role in modern digital marketing strategies, and this is for a variety of reasons. Content is flexible, adaptable, and highly effective for a lot of businesses.

Here are some key reasons why content marketing is important:

It builds brand awareness.

Content marketing helps you establish and promote your brand’s identity. By consistently producing high-quality, valuable content, you can increase your brand’s visibility and recognition among your target audience. This keeps your business top of mind for the audience, too.

It drives traffic.

Quality content attracts visitors to your website or other online platforms. This traffic can be a source of leads and potential customers, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue. With the right CTA (call to action) and the right tone of voice in every piece of content, you can redirect the audience and boost your website traffic.

It engages and educates audiences.

Content marketing allows you to engage with your audience on a deeper level. You have the chance to connect with them, show that you know more about them, and sympathize with them in different areas.

Of course, you can also educate them about your products or services, provide solutions to their problems, and answer their questions. This builds trust and credibility between prospects and customers.

It boosts SEO (search engine optimization).

Search engines like Google are known to reward websites that produce fresh, relevant, and high-quality content. This means that regularly updated content can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your brand in digital spaces.

It supports various customer journeys.

Content can be tailored to different stages of the customer journey, from the awareness stage to consideration to conversion. This means you can provide the best information and the best motivation at the right time to move prospects closer to making a purchase.

It establishes authority and expertise.

Consistently producing valuable and informative content in your niche or industry positions your brand as an authority and thought leader. This can lead to increased trust and credibility among your audience. More people will learn to trust your brand and come to you when looking for specific products or specific information.

It generates leads and conversions.

Content marketing can be used to capture leads through various strategies. This includes gated content (e.g., ebooks, whitepapers), live stream content (webinars and workshops), and email marketing. It also helps in nurturing these leads and guiding them towards making a purchase decision to convert.

It fosters customer loyalty and retention.

After the sale, content can also help maintain a healthy relationship with customers. This can include surveys, post-purchase guides, product tutorials, related purchase recommendations, and other content that adds value to the customer’s experience.

It can be cost-effective.

Compared to traditional advertising methods, content marketing is often less expensive. You only need to invest time and effort to continue producing quality and valuable content. It can have a long-lasting impact on your brand as well since content continues to work for you even after it’s published.

It is measurable.

Content marketing efforts can be tracked and measured, allowing you to determine your success. You can analyze metrics like website traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and customer retention to assess the effectiveness of your content strategy and make data-driven improvements for the future.

It can be adapted to various formats.

Content marketing isn’t limited to just blog posts. It can include various other media types, such as videos, podcasts, infographics, social media posts, and more. This flexibility allows you to reach a broader audience and cater to different people’s preferences.

To put it plainly, content marketing is essential because it helps you connect with your audience, build brand credibility, drive traffic, and ultimately, achieve your business goals. It’s a long-term strategy that, when executed effectively, can provide significant results for businesses.

Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know

If you’re not fully convinced of what content marketing can do for you and your business, looking at facts and numbers should also help.

Here are content marketing statistics that can put things into perspective.

  1. 91% of marketing pros surveyed by Semrush achieved success with their content marketing in 2021. (Search Engine Journal)
  2. According to Orbit Media, bloggers report that their most effective content types are gated content and roundups.
  3. Mediafly reports that interactive content has 52.6% more engagement than static content, particularly with buyers spending an average of 8.5 minutes viewing static content items and 13 minutes on interactive content items.
  4. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 72% of B2C marketers expected their organization to invest in video marketing in 2022.
  5. 51% of B2C marketers refer to organic traffic to measure their content’s success.
  6. 79% of people say that user-generated content about a brand highly impacts their purchasing decisions.
  7. According to a 2021 DemandGen Report, 62% of B2B purchase decision makers relied more on practical content (case studies) and visual content (webinars), to guide their buying decisions. They also cited a higher emphasis on the trustworthiness of the source.
  8. 80% of marketers who leverage audio content and podcasts planned to invest the same amount of budget or more in 2022.
  9. Statista reports that email marketing revenue worldwide is now more than 10 billion US dollars.
  10. According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 88% of B2B marketers have successfully reached their goals of creating brand awareness and building credibility and trust through content marketing efforts.

What is the most popular content marketing?

The popularity of content marketing types can vary depending on the industry, target audience, and current trends. For example, for B2C marketers, short articles or posts (83%) and videos (61%) are the top two types of content they used last year.

However, there are several content marketing types that can boost your business and have consistently been popular and effective. These include:

  • Blogging: Blog posts are a staple of content marketing. They are versatile and can cover a wide range of topics, providing valuable information to the audience. Blogs are also great for SEO and can drive organic traffic to your website.
  • Video Content: Video marketing has exploded in popularity in recent years. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have made video content accessible to a broad audience. Videos can include tutorials, product demonstrations, vlogs, and a lot more varieties.
  • Social Media Content: Social media platforms are excellent for distributing content and engaging with your audience. Short-form content, such as X (formerly Twitter) posts and Instagram stories, as well as longer-form content like Facebook posts and LinkedIn articles, can all be part of a social media content strategy.
  • Infographics: Infographics present information in a visually appealing and easy-to-digest format. These content types are particularly effective for conveying complex data and statistics.
  • Email Marketing: Email content is a powerful tool for content marketing, whether it be for content distribution, lead nurturing, and more. You can send newsletters, product updates, educational content, and personalized recommendations to your subscribers.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts have gained a dedicated following. They are a great way to reach audiences while they’re on the go, and they offer an intimate and personal way to connect with listeners.
  • Ebooks and Whitepapers: These long-form content pieces provide in-depth information on a specific topic in your industry. They are often used as lead magnets to capture email addresses and generate leads for businesses.
  • Webinars and Live Content: Live video content, such as webinars, and live streaming on social media platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Live, allow real-time interaction with your audience. This also presents an opportunity to address their questions and concerns directly.
  • Case Studies: Case studies showcase real-life examples of how your product or service has benefited customers. They provide social proof for the audience and build trust among prospects.
  • User-generated Content: Encouraging your customers to create organic content related to your brand (such as reviews, testimonials, and user-generated videos) can be a powerful form of content marketing. These help boost brand exposure and build social proof and trust as well.

While it may be tempting to do all of the content marketing types out there, it’s best to remember that the best content marketing type for your business will depend on your goals, target audience, and the nature of your products or services.

Many successful content marketing strategies incorporate a mix of these content types to reach a wider audience and cater to different preferences and needs. Of course, staying up-to-date with current trends in content marketing can help you adapt and experiment with new formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

How do I get started with content marketing with no experience?

Getting started in content marketing with no prior experience is absolutely possible. As a business owner or a professional, you can apply a content marketing strategy on your own or help your small team get a headstart.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin your journey in content marketing:

Learn the Basics

Start by learning the fundamental concepts of content marketing. Familiarize yourself with key terms and concepts such as SEO, search engine optimization, target audience, content strategy, and content calendar. There are numerous online resources, blogs, and courses available as well. You can study and join these for free or at a low cost.

Identify Your Niche and Target Audience

Learning more about your industry and your target audience is also a good choice. Find out what topics and discussions they are talking about in your industry. See if there are any trends or popular subjects among your audience, their interests, concerns, and more. All of the information you will be able to gather will make it easier to create content. This research is also crucial, as you will have the chance to connect with your audience.

Set Clear Goals

You need to determine what you want to achieve with your content marketing efforts. This could include goals like increasing website traffic, generating leads, increasing your social media following, getting email subscriber signups, or building brand awareness. There are various goals possible with content marketing, and various ways to achieve them.

Create a Website or Blog

If you don’t already have a website or blog, create one. There are user-friendly platforms and website builders like WordPress, Wix, and Blogger that make it easy to set up a website. You can also harness the potential of social media platforms for long-form and short-form content if you think your brand will benefit more there.

Start Writing and Creating Content

Begin creating content. Start with blog posts or articles on topics related to your niche. Focus on providing value to your target audience. Make sure to pay attention to writing quality, clarity, and readability. Proofread and edit your content before publishing. For social media posts, you can use various social media content creation tools that can enhance your content while lessening your workload.

Understand SEO

Learn the basics of SEO to optimize your content for search engines. This includes keyword research, on-page SEO, backlink building, and more. It also pays to keep up with emerging SEO trends so you can boost traffic and gain a competitive advantage.

Promote Your Content

Once you’ve published your content, make sure to share it on social media platforms, relevant forums, and online communities. This boosts your exposure and helps drive traffic to your website. You can also consider reaching out to influencers or websites in your niche to see if they’d be interested in sharing your content.

Learn from Analytics

Learning from analytics is also a must. Utilize website analytics tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your content. Analyze metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions to make data-driven decisions and improve your content strategy.

Network and Learn from Others

Connect with other content marketers and professionals in your niche. Attend webinars and conferences, and join online forums or groups where you can learn and exchange ideas. This is a good way to build your reputation, expand your content marketing knowledge, and create partnerships and collaborations for future content.

Stay Updated

And, of course, content marketing is continually evolving. Make sure to stay updated on industry trends, modern practices, algorithm changes, and new tools or techniques. This will help you create high-quality content that is relevant to your audience and their interests.

Marketing Experts PH is here to guide you through content marketing if you don’t want to go through it alone. Talk to our experts today and get started with your content marketing efforts.

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