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What is a Freelancer: All You Need to Know About Hiring One

As a business owner or marketer, do you find yourself having a task that you can’t do in-house? Do you have a small team that is usually overwhelmed with tasks? The answer to your problems might just be hiring a freelancer. Freelancers can be beneficial for marketing operations and various marketing teams. Freelancing is becoming the norm in many industries and fields. But what is a freelancer? How can you hire one? And how can you take advantage of them?

What is a freelancer?

A freelancer is a professional individual who offers their skills and services and earns money on a project basis. In other words, a freelancer is someone who does work for other professionals and clients without committing to a long-term or full-time commitment with a single employer. They usually have the flexibility to work on multiple projects for different clients simultaneously because they handle their time and are not committed to a single company.

Providing services in various fields such as writing, graphic design, photography, programming, consulting, and marketing is typically what a freelancer is.

Freelancers are often hired by companies or people for specific tasks or projects, and their work arrangements can vary. Some of them may work on a short-term basis, completing a single project in a few days or weeks. Meanwhile, other freelancers may engage in ongoing, long-term relationships with clients. Freelancers are responsible for managing their business affairs and services. This includes setting their rates, finding clients, negotiating contracts, and handling administrative tasks for any of their contract jobs. This model of work appeals to individuals seeking autonomy, flexibility, and the ability to choose the projects they want to work on.

The rise of online platforms and marketplaces has facilitated the growth of the freelance economy or gig economy. This is because they provide freelancers with opportunities to connect with clients globally and vice versa. In fact, according to a study by Upwork, one of the largest freelancing platforms and online talent solutions, 59 million professionals in the United States were involved in freelance work in 2021. The study also found that these American freelancers contributed over $1.3 trillion in annual earnings to the US economy. This is just a small glimpse of how significant the work of freelancers in industries is.

These highly skilled, remote professionals can have an immense impact on companies and help operations flow, especially when they don’t have the right talent in-house.

Types of freelancers in marketing

What is a freelancer? A freelancer can be a writer, a photographer, or even a graphic designer. Freelancing can be found in various fields and industries nowadays. However, marketing, specifically digital marketing, remains one of the top industries with the highest demand for freelancers. In marketing, freelancers can offer specialized services to other businesses and clients, helping them with any necessary and urgent marketing tasks and projects.

Here are several types of freelancers and freelancing jobs in the field of marketing:

  1. Content writers – Freelance content writers create written materials such as website page content, blog posts, articles, product descriptions, social media posts, and other marketing content. They may specialize in different types of content and help businesses produce content for various platforms.
  2. Graphic designers – Freelance graphic designers create visual elements or assets for marketing materials. This includes logos, banners, infographics, and other design assets. These freelancers play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of marketing campaigns for small teams and businesses.
  3. Social media managers or specialists – Freelance social media managers or social media specialists are responsible for a wide range of social media marketing responsibilities. This includes planning, implementing, and managing social media strategies for businesses. They may create content, schedule posts, engage with followers, analyze performance metrics, and use various social media tools.
  4. SEO specialists – Freelance SEO specialists help businesses improve their online visibility and SEO (search engine optimization) management. They do this by optimizing website content, conducting keyword research, and implementing SEO best practices on the client’s website.
  5. Email marketers and email specialists – Freelance email marketing specialists, on the other hand, focus on email marketing operations. They create and optimize email campaigns to reach and engage a target audience. They may also work on crafting compelling email content, managing subscriber lists, and analyzing campaign performance.
  6. Digital marketing consultants – Freelance digital marketing consultants provide strategic advice on the overall marketing strategies of a business or an individual client. They may help businesses develop comprehensive digital marketing plans, conduct market research, recommend tactics to achieve specific goals or overcome specific digital marketing challenges.
  7. PPC (pay-per-click) or ad specialists – Freelance PPC or ad specialists manage paid advertising campaigns for their clients. This includes platforms such as Google Ads or social media like Facebook or LinkedIn. They help create ad copies, optimize ad spend, and analyze campaign performance to maximize return on investment (ROI).
  8. Marketing copywriters – Freelance copywriters can be a little similar to content writers; however, there is still a distinct difference. These freelancers specialize in creating persuasive and engaging copy for various marketing materials to be used as product promotions. This includes content such as advertisements, sales letters, product pages, and other promotional content.
  9. Photographers or videographers – Freelancers in this category focus on providing photos or producing video content for marketing purposes. Videographers create promotional videos, team video interviews, social media videos, and more. On the other hand, freelance photographers are best for shooting product photos and covering company events.
  10. Web designers or developers – Freelance web designers and developers work with businesses or entrepreneurs to create their websites. Their responsibilities include working closely with clients to design and build a website that is fully functional, easy to use, eye-catching, and engaging.
  11. Market researchers – Meanwhile, freelance market researchers gather and analyze data to provide insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes. Businesses work with these freelancers and use this information to make informed marketing decisions.

These are just a few examples of freelance marketing professionals that businesses and individuals can hire. If you’re considering outsourcing jobs and hiring freelancers for your marketing tasks, you need to be clear about their responsibilities and what you need from them.

Pros of hiring a freelancer 

Now that the question “What is a freelancer?” is answered, it’s important to know the advantages of hiring one. While hiring a freelancer might seem unorthodox for some, this has become beneficial and substantial for a lot of marketing teams and businesses. Freelancers can give you the boost you need, and keep your marketing team functioning like a well-oiled machine.

Here are some of the known pros of hiring a freelancer:

  • Cost-effectiveness – Freelancers often charge lower rates than traditional employees, making them a cost-effective option for short-term projects or specific tasks. Clients also don’t have a full-time commitment to them as an employer, which means additional expenses or perks that go to regular employees will not be needed. Freelancers that work remotely also mean businesses can save on overhead costs associated with office space, equipment, and more. This can save businesses significant money.
  • Access to specialized skills – Freelancers often have niche skills and expertise in specific areas. Hiring a freelancer allows businesses to access specialized talent without the need for long-term commitments.
  • Flexibility – Freelancers offer flexibility in terms of working hours and project timelines. This flexibility from freelancing can be beneficial for businesses with fluctuating workloads or tight deadlines. This kind of flexibility also allows businesses to take advantage of a freelancer’s versatility to fit them with the work they need to do.
  • Unique talent from around the world – When hiring influencers through freelancing platforms and online sites, businesses can tap into a global and unique pool of talent. This enables them to find the best fit for their specific needs, regardless of the limitations of their geographical location.
  • Scalability – Businesses can also scale their workforce up or down quickly by hiring freelancers as needed. This is particularly advantageous for projects with variable workloads.
  • New perspective – More often than not, hiring freelancers also brings in a new perspective. These skilled professionals have worked with a lot of clients and have worked on various projects that will give them unique perspectives to help future clients.

Cons of hiring a freelancer

Apart from the obvious advantages, hiring a freelancer comes with its disadvantages as well. It’s important for businesses to carefully consider these factors to make informed decisions and to formulate countermeasures that will ensure a smooth arrangement between freelancers and clients.

Here are some of the cons of hiring a freelancer:

  • Lack of control – Businesses may have less control over freelancers compared to in-house employees. Factors like communication, language barriers, and differences in work styles can arise. This will potentially affect the quality of work and the control clients have over the tasks or assets.
  • Security issues or concerns – Some businesses might deal with sensitive information when it comes to their operations. Unfortunately, entrusting sensitive information to freelancers, especially if they are working remotely, raises security concerns. It’s crucial to establish clear guidelines and security measures for data protection and confidentiality.
  • Dependence on individual availability – Freelancers may have other clients and commitments, which might make their availability unpredictable sometimes. This can be a challenge when tight deadlines or urgent projects need to be met.
  • Limited company loyalty – Freelancers may not have the same level of loyalty to a company as full-time or regular employees. This can impact the dedication and long-term commitment to a project.
  • Challenges in communication and supervision – Due to geographical and time zone differences with remote or global freelancers, communication can be a challenge. Clear communication and regular updates are essential to ensure everyone is on the same page. Supervision will also be a little challenging. Clients will need to establish clear communication channels for better supervision.
  • Quality and consistency – The quality of work and consistency can vary among freelancers. This means quality, consistency, and branding might vary for various projects. Businesses need to carefully vet freelancers and establish clear expectations to mitigate potential issues and quality concerns.
  • Global payment limitations – Payment modes for freelancers will also be a big disadvantage for clients. Businesses will have to keep track of various payment methods or platforms and payment rules, especially when freelancers are located in other countries.

How much does a freelancer cost?

The cost of hiring a freelancer can vary widely based on several factors, including what type of freelancer you want to employ. This also includes the freelancer’s skill level, experience, geographic location, industry, and nature of the project. The freelancer’s rates can also affect the agreement.

Here are some key factors that can influence the cost of hiring a freelancer:

  1. Skill level and expertise: Freelancers with specialized skills and extensive experience in a particular field often command higher rates. For example, a highly skilled software developer or an experienced marketing strategist may charge more for their services compared to another freelancer with less experience.
  2. Industry and niche: Rates can also vary depending on the industry and niche. Specialized or niche areas may have a higher demand for certain skills.
  3. Geographic location: Freelancers in different geographic locations may have different cost structures. Freelancers from regions with a higher cost of living may charge higher rates to cover their expenses and skills.
  4. Project complexity: The complexity of the project plays a significant role in determining the cost of a freelance job. More complex and time-consuming projects may require higher rates to compensate for the freelancer’s expertise, attention, and effort.
  5. Urgency and timelines: If you require a freelancer to work on a tight deadline or outside regular working hours, they may charge a premium for the urgency and flexibility.
  6. Type of service or output: Different types of services may come with different price structures. For instance, graphic designers may charge per hour or project, while writers may charge per word or article.
  7. Marketplace fees: You should also remember that if you hire a freelancer through an online marketplace or freelancing platform, keep in mind that these platforms may charge fees. These fees are typically a percentage of the project’s value. These can affect the overall cost.

These are just some of the variables that go into the cost of hiring a freelancer. It’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much a freelancer costs. If you’re going with a freelancer for your next marketing project, make sure to discuss and agree on the terms to avoid misunderstandings and build a good working relationship.

Top countries to outsource freelancers

The top countries for outsourcing freelancers often depend on the specific needs and requirements of the project. However, some countries have slowly become known as outsourcing destinations over the years. Whether it be because of factors such as language proficiency, technical expertise, and cost-effectiveness, these countries have proven to be effective outsourcing destinations, holding great talent and skills.

Here are some of the top countries for successful freelancing hires:

  • India (for IT services, software development, and customer support)
  • Philippines (for customer support, content moderation, customer service, call center operations, virtual assistance, and administrative work)
  • Ukraine (for IT services, software and web development, and other tech-related projects)
  • Poland (for software development, research and development, and business processes)
  • Vietnam (for It services, software development, and electronics manufacturing)
  • Mexico (for IT services and manufacturing)
  • Romania (for IT services, engineering services, and creative design)
  • Pakistan (for software development, graphic design, and digital marketing)

Looking forward to outsourcing freelancers for your digital marketing efforts? The professionals at Marketing Experts PH are ready to help! Talk to us today and learn how we can help you elevate your business’s digital presence.

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